Crazy Like a Biden

Just when you think the Biden admin can’t get crazier, Biden yells ‘hold my beer’. For a variant that has a death toll of exactly one, Biden is deploying American military doctors and other medical personnel into US hospitals come January and February. All 1000 of them.

1000 personnel – the US has 13,944 hospitals as of 2019. Let’s see, 13,944 divided by 1000, carry the one… It’s 13.944 hospitals per military person – might as well round it up to 14. One extra doctor or nurse per 14 hospitals – that’ll show that omicron!

Seriously, I’ll be in the lobby – let me know when this stupid movie is over.

Sadly enough, it gets worse – your tax dollars will be used buy half a BILLION – with a B – home test kits for Covid which they will begin mailing out in January. I have a hard time thinking of a more useless way to spend money – maybe we should just go back to buying $1000 hammers for the Army? Assuming they only mail them to those who request them, there will be a lot of wasted kits as healthy people aren’t going to be that concerned and sick people will seek actual care. Mostly it’ll be the curious and the least at risk who will ask for those kits – public screenings of infectious diseases are usually a complete waste of time – only a tiny percentage of people volunteering in will actually be infected.

With Covid protocols being so invasive and heavy handed in some areas of the country – looking at you, New York – most people at risk in those areas won’t volunteer to be tested at all (and these will be larger numbers since those areas usually have the highest populations). Strangely, if you punish people for being sick they try not to look sick – or let anyone know that they are sick.

Which means the people who might actually benefit from at home testing are likely going to shy away from it – especially from tests sent to your home by the government. Would you take a financial health kit from the IRS? Or would you wonder how easy it would make it for the IRS to track your information – even innocent people don’t want to be spied upon by scary agencies. Guess what is going to happen when the government sends you a Covid test kit – that’s right, the dang things are going into the trash because no one wanted them in the first place and they really don’t want one from Big Brother Biden.

From a public health stand point, it’s idiotic. There are ample testing facilities so people who aren’t being tested by and large don’t want to be. Most of them will not appreciate the government trying to ‘help’ and even if they were inclined to test at home – which they could already do – they aren’t going to want Uncle Sam’s lowest bidder test kit even if they weren’t already thinking that the tin foil hat guys might be right after all.

Leaving aside the joke that this plays on public health, where the heck is the admin getting the cash for this? Is it already authorized in C19 spending somewhere or is the Admin pretending to be Congress again? At $.50 each that’s a quarter of a billion – with a b – dollars. At $2 a pop, it’s a whole billion, b and all. Those billions aren’t chump change – when exactly did Congress authorize this?

What really bugs me is the unnecessary use of military personnel – no disaster has been declared and there’s no actual need for the deployment. That sends up more red flags – is this the admin trying to see if it can get around posse comitatus?

Finally, we have the scariest thought of all. Whoever is actually running our government at the moment is even more incompetent and bat guano crazy than Biden.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!