COVID 19 Time for Truth: US Edition

Below you will find a link to a fairly dry little video of a doctor going over the latest research out of Italy. I fully agree with him that it’s pathetic that we have to wait for Italy to do what EVERY developed nation should have been doing, most especially the US. Here’s the TL;DR: Vitamin D is shown to reduce hospitalization and incidence of death.

In normal people speak, vitamin D helps you fight off C19 so that you don’t get as sick and you don’t have as bad an outcome as you would have otherwise.

Just exactly what many doctors were aiming for when they started their patients on Vitamin D back in 2020. Did they know? No, of course not – but they did know that building up a person’s immune system had an extremely good chance of helping them not get as sick or even of not getting sick at all. Vitamin D is sold OTC – over the counter. That means it has few major side effects and is well tolerated (can be taken by) most people.

Translation: in early 2020 doctors didn’t know Vitamin D would help but they did know it might and it was extremely unlikely to hurt.

So, what happened?

They were told to shut up and sit down. The Lamestream Media attacked ANY treatment of ANY kind, no matter how benign. Social Media outlets like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and many others actively censored any discussion by any physician that didn’t follow what the WHO was saying.

Even after the WHO changed its mind.

When the <insett EXTREMELY BAD WORDS HERE> did the <more bad words> legacy media become DOCTORS?! How the devil would the same morons that can’t get their reporting of the local rotary Club right know what is medically correct or incorrect? Bill Gates is suddenly an expert on vaccines. YouTube knows more about what is ‘medical misinformation’ than the guys with MD behind their names?

Since <very, very bad words> WHEN?!?!?! I’ll tell you – since NEVER!

The AP – which is where the Lazystream Media gets all its information – wouldn’t know a petri dish from a pasta dish, let alone what the heck a drug formulary is. We can safely forget any notion that Moron Incorporated knew how to use a formulary.

But the doctors did. They knew what classes of drugs had the best shot of helping their patients when there were no hard answers. They knew how to decide if a particular patient should try a specific drug and how to explain exactly what they were doing and the risks involved.

This is what doctors train to do. This is what the media, Big Tech and stupid governments failed to let them do.

Just failing to get out of the way would be bad enough, but they did worse. The government, the media and the tech companies got directly in the way of doctors caring for their patients and providing the desperately needing information that could help save lives.

This is not okay.

Nor should it just go away. No amnesty, no immunity. It’s time for full investigations into what Big Tech did and who it was working with. Investigate why the media was so determined to denounce every single attempt to treat COVID 19 with anything that didn’t have a multi-billion dollar research price tag attached.

This isn’t a one side of the aisle issue. There were top Republicans advising President Trump in ways that need serious clarification and investigation. The Republican elitism may well have empowered Democrat overreach. We need to know.

We demand to know.

The same Congress that could impeach Trump twice can <insert even more bad words here> well set up congressional investigations of the entire COVID 19 debacle.


I started by talking about Vitamin D and not the multitude of suspicious deaths. That’s only because one is pretty solidly proven and the other needs major investigation.

It’s also because we might – might – have been better able to intervene if the media had shut its trap and let doctors tell each other what they were seeing. Many doctors were reporting good results with Vitamin D. No, that’s not scientific proof – and at the beginning when it might have helped, there was NO WAY to get that proof.

Except to let doctors try and document their attempts. Crunching through all that data is what we actually pay the CDC to do – not to make medical recommendations without proof. The CDC playing politics likely made everything much worse than it had to be.

The data exists. It’s past time it was subpoenaed, investigated and released. What did the CDC know and when? Why were they making such unprecedented recommendations? We OWN that data. We PAY the CDC’s salaries and they HAVE NO RIGHT to withhold that information from us or our representatives.

Would Vitamin D have saved lives? Probably. Building up the immune system is part of prevention. This is Disease Control 101. The CDC knew it.

Now so do you.


I’m including both the link to the video I mentioned and a link to an article that purports to debunk it. I’ll go into detail in our class Friday but suffice that a Strawman Argument is not a rebuttal – it’s a logical fallacy.

But that’s what passes for journalism these days.

YouTube Link to Dr. John Campbell’s video

Link to the Rebuttal

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!