Now, call me old fashioned, but this seems like a very bad idea. Evidently, it’s all the rage in progressive circles. The idea goes something like ‘law enforcement disproportionately affects minorities therefore it is racist so we should end this racism by defunding and blaming the police.’ I’m not even trying to be funny; this really is pretty much the way it is described. Needless to say, this hasn’t done any favors to the communities that have tried it. Police … Continue reading “Flooding Impoverished Areas with Criminals”
Israel Attacked – Welcome to the Old Normal
Millennials and Zoomers were blessed to grow up in one of the most placid periods in world history. They did the same stupid stuff that we Boomers did – they thought they understood the world and ignored anyone that said different. We ended up messing up quite a bit of the good stuff our parents had left to us. It comes as no surprise our young ‘uns have done the same. No pretense that the US is perfect. But no … Continue reading “Israel Attacked – Welcome to the Old Normal”
Ups and Downs: Politics are Never Smooth
Nation states are resilient. That should be no surprise. People are amazingly resilient – otherwise human history would have ended long ago. Nation states are just really large groups of people so they have the traits of people. They can be incredibly resilient and incredibly stupid, often at the same time. Humans are fun. If you’re used to playing computer games where you get to be a character or you’re from the TV generation, this basic fact is hard to … Continue reading “Ups and Downs: Politics are Never Smooth”
Can’t Never Could
I used to roll my eyes halfway back into my head every time that my mother said those words to me. It’s a wonder I can still see as many times as I did that. Anytime I was stupid enough to say to my mom “I can’t” she would turn around, look me in the eye and remind me that ‘Can’t never could’. My eyes hurt just thinking about it. Those of you under thirty who are still convinced your … Continue reading “Can’t Never Could”
Fixing America
If you want to make the world a better place, start with the funny face in the mirror. It’s no different for nation states. If you want a better world, start with the stupid country you’re living in. It’s great to shoot for the stars – but pick the low hanging fruit on the way up! Yes, I mix metaphors for a living. Okay, so let’s get the easy stuff out of the way. There is no energy crisis. There … Continue reading “Fixing America”
Is the Ukrainian War Important to the World?
In a word, yes. Sure, sure, I hear South American, Indian and African leaders complaining that the war has nothing to do with them. They’re wrong. Oh, it’s understandable – the threat isn’t direct. It’s not like Russia is invading Africa. Oh, wait. Okay, so Russia isn’t in a declared war on Africa. Ukraine certainly won’t be declaring war on Africa. Neither is sending troops to fight in South America or India. Case closed, right? Not really. Let’s start with … Continue reading “Is the Ukrainian War Important to the World?”
Is the World Important to America?
That this question needs to be addressed is a testament to the abject failure of modern education. The answer is yes. And now you want to know why, don’t you? Kids today. When I was their age if I wanted to know something I had to walk all the way to the library, uphill, in the snow, both ways! They have the entire Encyclopedia Britannica in their pockets and can’t look up how to spell ‘boo’. It’s B-O-O. Seriously, what’s … Continue reading “Is the World Important to America?”
Is America Important to the World?
Yes. Oh, details again? So, what do you think would happen if the US disappeared tomorrow? Forget the cataclysmic stuff from a suddenly missing continent – if the US could safely just move to Mars what would happen? Okay, okay, after the shock wore off. The four contenders for ‘next super power’ are: the EU, India, China and Russia. No, you missed the ride so you can’t move to the US. Who do you want for your next world dominating … Continue reading “Is America Important to the World?”
Is Ukraine Important to America?
/ Yes. Oh, you wanted the why part? Why didn’t you say so? Russia wants to be the sole superpower. Russia is going to be a pain in the neck until it either gets what it – and no one else sane – wants or until it gets smacked hard enough to come to its collective senses. We seem to be in the middle of that latter one with Ukraine right now. Let Russia bash its brains out on Ukraine. … Continue reading “Is Ukraine Important to America?”
Will Trump Destroy Ukraine?
Nope. See y’all next… You guys are really into details aren’t you? Okay, from the top. Trump is a businessman and a deal maker. He might not like a given policy but he’s not going to sacrifice all the assets just to dump the policy. If he were going to do stupid stuff like that he’d have pulled out of Afghanistan as disastrously as Biden did. Trump isn’t going to miss a good opportunity for a deal. So yes, he’s … Continue reading “Will Trump Destroy Ukraine?”