Let’s be perfectly fair – the State of the Union is ALWAYS a snooze fest. It’s the nature of the beast. But given the Freedom Convoy and that little war in Ukraine, maybe it shouldn’t be. Be that as it may, the state of the Union gives a president time in the bully pulpit – a chance to speak directly to the American people and try to convince them. Often, it becomes a rally for the president’s base – easy … Continue reading “The State of the Union – Snooze Fest 2022”
Finding Your District – State School Board
Okay, this is probably where you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start being ticked off. At least it is in Alabama – and likely similar issues occur in most states. You live in multiple districts – Federal congressional, state legislative (in Alabama there are separate House and Senate districts) and state school board, if you’re lucky are the only major ones. To be fair, they should be the major categories in most states – but I’m still feeling peevish with … Continue reading “Finding Your District – State School Board”
Finding Your Candidates When They Don’t Seem to Want to be Found
The sharp eyed among you – which would not be me – will have noticed that yesterday I found the 2020 sample ballot and not the 2022 Primary Sample Ballot. These things happen – and it’s why government should be very limited in what it’s allowed to do since it can’t even put sample ballots where they belong in a timely fashion or notice of when to expect the ballot. Okay, the real point is we hit a snag – … Continue reading “Finding Your Candidates When They Don’t Seem to Want to be Found”
Crazy Like a Biden
Just when you think the Biden admin can’t get crazier, Biden yells ‘hold my beer’. For a variant that has a death toll of exactly one, Biden is deploying American military doctors and other medical personnel into US hospitals come January and February. All 1000 of them. 1000 personnel – the US has 13,944 hospitals as of 2019. Let’s see, 13,944 divided by 1000, carry the one… It’s 13.944 hospitals per military person – might as well round it up … Continue reading “Crazy Like a Biden”
Civil War 2.0 is Bunk
I know – I just got through telling you not to get cocky about 2022. And it’s true enough that we shouldn’t be cocky about this, either – but there’s a difference in seeing a possibility and smelling a skunk. The proverbial skunk here is the Democrat media that is once again sounding the alarm bell about the upcoming civil war – which would be easier to take seriously if they didn’t sound like Bill Murray in Ghostbusters. So, being … Continue reading “Civil War 2.0 is Bunk”
The Biggest Danger to the Right in 2022
Hubris. Arrogance. Complacency. Whatever you want to call it, the biggest threat to a red tsunami is voter apathy. We do NOT have it in the bag – that doesn’t happen until after all the votes are counted. If the election were held today, I doubt many Democrats would be returning to Congress. People are fed up and angry – and all of that ire is aimed at the Democrats. Blaming Trump is laughable – and not working. One failure … Continue reading “The Biggest Danger to the Right in 2022”
Looking on the Bright Side – Legacy Media Edition
The legacy – I mean Democrat – media to the rescue! Saving the Biden administration one lie at a time.
The legacy – I mean Democrat – media to the rescue! Saving the Biden administration one lie at a time.
A Day of Infamy
Only a few are left now who were alive that fateful day 80 years ago. Maybe that’s why we seem to have forgotten the lessons of that time – it certainly isn’t because they didn’t tell us. Tom Brokaw called them ‘the greatest generation’ and they have full right to that title. The US wanted no real part of the war. Sure, we aided Britain and embargoed Japan – but Americans had no stomach for sending their boys to fight … Continue reading “A Day of Infamy”
First, We Win
I’m a polling skeptic – that’s because I know enough about them to have good cause to suspect that they are significantly skewed and most of that to the left. That translates to I think Biden’s approval numbers, currently in the 30’s, are inflated. Despite legacy media and Big Tech, the data we do have shows an unmistakable lurch to the right. For reasons I won’t get into (and that most people find boring) right now (so I will get … Continue reading “First, We Win”
In a world where every headline tells of impeding doom and each crisis strips away the freedoms of the masses… Seriously, every news report is beginning to sound like a movie trailer – only without the surround sound and with a lot more fear. Sigh… In a surprise to absolutely no one who has even a passing familiarity with disease control or who hasn’t been living under a rock the past two years, there’s a new COVID in town! Bigger, … Continue reading “Omicron”