Any other time I would still be telling you it’s much too early to call the general election. Any other time, a centrist nation doesn’t take a lot to shove things in a different direction so six months out is an eternity. Not this time. A war, C19 redux, and Republican division – ordinarily, any one of these would be enough to buy the Democrats support. The war especially should normally benefit the party in power. But none of that … Continue reading “What Do We Do Once We Win?”
Thank You For Your Service
It’s been eighty years since the US faced a direct, significant threat to its own survival. However, the US has taken on the burden of trying to not only keep the peace but to promote it worldwide. Our servicemen and women have worked on our behalf all over the world. These weren’t always wars and the wars they fought weren’t protecting American soil – directly – but all of it made America and the world safer. The mistakes were ours … Continue reading “Thank You For Your Service”
Libertarianism: Conservatism’s Answer to Anarchy
Back in the Dark Ages – you know, the 1980’s – when I was a wee college lass, I was, I admit – a libertarian. At least that was what it said when I took that stupid test to see where I fell on the political spectrum. Back then, libertarian was defined as ‘fiscally conservative, socially liberal’ and was obviously defined by someone who hadn’t ever seen me in a comic book store. But it seemed to fit – kinda … Continue reading “Libertarianism: Conservatism’s Answer to Anarchy”
Y’all Do Know We’re Winning, Right?
The most incredibly frustrating thing is listening to conservatives I normally agree with go off the rails over the Ukraine War. I don’t mean that they disagree with my position – that’s fine. I try not to listen to people I never disagree with because I’m probably not really listening. But opposing support for Ukraine because you want NATO members to meet their obligations and run their own business is just so so so D-U-M-B. The Ukraine crisis is literally … Continue reading “Y’all Do Know We’re Winning, Right?”
Primarily Primary
Tomorrow’s the big day here in Alabama. I’ve changed my mind about three times so far – today. I know who I’m NOT voting for, but that leaves me with a lot of untested candidates. Still, the GOP primary will likely decide most of the office holders for the next two years – this is the problem with one party states, the primary is more decisive than the general election – so I’ve got to do my due diligence and … Continue reading “Primarily Primary”
Don’t Sabotage Yourselves, Conservatives
The principle holds for the individual as well as the nation-state – you have plenty of real obstacles in life, don’t be one. Now, this bit is controversial and the snowflakes may need to evacuate to their safety rooms now. Steel yourself. Get ready. Here goes: People aren’t perfect. Because people aren’t perfect your side/party/group/political position will also not be perfect. Governments won’t be perfect. Nation-states, even ones we dearly love, will not be perfect. Get over it. The other … Continue reading “Don’t Sabotage Yourselves, Conservatives”
Get Woke, Go Broke – Running a Political Party by Catering to the Mentally Ill
The Democrats are stuck. They spent more than thirty years and billions of tax dollars establishing that homosexuality was perfectly normal and that only the evil and backward would think differently in the face of Enlightened ScienceTM . Saint Obama granted their dearest wish (not really but kinda*) and sanctified Gay Marriage throughout the land. Yay, milk and cookies for everyone. Small problem, the Democrats have a very big tent full of very, very incompatible groups. Many of those were … Continue reading “Get Woke, Go Broke – Running a Political Party by Catering to the Mentally Ill”
The biggest problem with politics is that labels generally have three to five meanings at any given time. Seriously, if you are writing a professional political science paper the very first thing you do is define your terms. Not esoteric stuff no one has ever heard of – the regular things like conservative, liberal, libertarian, globalist, nationalist – et al. The reason is simple – people are way too lazy to think up new words for slightly different things and … Continue reading “Neo-Nationalist”
Taking Our Ball and Going Home
The US is and probably always will be deeply isolationistic at its core. Conservatives at present claim that history – a recent reclaim from the liberals. Suddenly, we remember that Washington counseled against ‘foreign entanglements’. Not so suddenly, we decry the notion of being the world’s policeman. We have our own problems at home and we just want the world to go away. I say to my conservative brothers the same thing I said to our liberal, er, whatever their … Continue reading “Taking Our Ball and Going Home”
Gnocchi and the Threat to Europe
Imagine for a moment that you are a grandmother, sitting in her little cottage outside Warsaw, finishing the last of your gnocchi and listening to the radio. It’s a lovely sunny day in Poland and you are just reminiscing about your life, remembering what it was like to grow up in a Warsaw Pact nation. Well, your momma’s gnocchi was a lot better than yours. Little wonder – she made it almost every day. You were married before you knew … Continue reading “Gnocchi and the Threat to Europe”