I suppose it’s not really a surprise when generations raised to literally believe that the sky is falling panic at the least sign of strife, domestic or international. Idiotic headlines of ‘Will Pelosi’s Trip to Taiwan Trigger World War Three’ and talking heads pontificating about the economic fallout certainly don’t help but it’s really the military response that’s scaring the pants off people. You can relax. This isn’t the start of WWIII. It’s just the Chinese Communist Party flailing about … Continue reading “China’s Temper Tantrum is Not a Sign of Strength; It’s a Sign of Extreme Weakness”
Fish or Cut Bait
I think the reason young people are so annoying is that we old people do remember being that dumb. But we had fewer resources so we can’t figure out how young people now can be as dumb as we were then. Some of it is the same as it was for us. We didn’t have a clue as to how to use what was available. School prepares you to be able to learn a job but doesn’t prepare you for … Continue reading “Fish or Cut Bait”
Sue Them! Declawing the Defamation Beast
Turning Point USA is in a fight with The View. Well, okay – who doesn’t have a bone to pick with Harpy Central? The show’s entire premise seems to be ‘see who we can tick off today’. They use slander, libel and defamation like rather blunt but effective instruments. It’s an all female train wreck of the week! I might be a bit biased. Seriously, The View gets in trouble for overstepping the bounds of decency and the law so … Continue reading “Sue Them! Declawing the Defamation Beast”
Russia and China, Frenemies Forever
Just because it’s not the end of the world doesn’t mean we can take our eyes off the ball. That’s important because international relations is just like a kindergarten but when nation-states throw tantrums they also throw very nasty things like bombs and bullets. I know, everyone is wringing their hands over the coming of World War Three and nuclear annihilation and monkey pox and every other impeding form of doom. You can stop now. It’s okay. There’s not going … Continue reading “Russia and China, Frenemies Forever”
The Important Part Occurs Between Elections
That statement should be self evident. We elect representatives to do the business of government. No one sane hires people so they can just interview for the same job over and over again. Okay, so that does bring the sanity of the United States into question but our less than stellar election behavior aside, we hire these guys to do something. We pay them WAY more than they are worth to do something important. We have an incredible interest in … Continue reading “The Important Part Occurs Between Elections”
Speaking Truth to Power
Sounds like a great thing, huh? Telling powerful people the truth, whether or not they want to hear it. Only thing is, most of the people who lay claim to this are telling people who agree with them what they want to hear and only telling people who don’t have power over them what they don’t want to hear. Assuming that both haven’t heard it all before. It’s easy to make this claim, especially on social media. After all, the … Continue reading “Speaking Truth to Power”
Just Go, Brandon
Mondays I try to talk foreign policy. So why, you ask, am I talking about the Resident of the United States? (No, I didn’t misspell.) Simple, there’s a difference between messing up and being able to laugh with others at yourself afterwards – something we’re decent at – and being an international laughingstock. We are fast becoming the latter and it is a very bad thing. Mostly because the Democrats and the Leftstream Media are desperate to save the party, … Continue reading “Just Go, Brandon”
What Will America Be?
My generation inherited a country that had a really good idea of what it was internationally and a really messed up idea of what we were at home. We were great at cleaning up everyone else’s mess but it took way too long before we did the housekeeping at home. Today, we are at a new crossroads. We have so many issues at home and so many responsibilities abroad. Unfortunately, nation-states can’t chuck it all and move to Mexico. Well, … Continue reading “What Will America Be?”
Nine Guys in Black Robes
In 1973, seven of the nine justices of the United States Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice Warren Burger decided that an unborn baby wasn’t a person and that the Constitution of the United States did not fully protect that child until after birth. In 2022, six of nine justices of the United States Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice John Roberts decided that the Constitution didn’t give the Federal government the power to decide such matters and gave that … Continue reading “Nine Guys in Black Robes”
The Chinese Communist Party is No One’s Friend
Excepting maybe itself. Although at times it acts so contrary to its own self interest that you kinda have to wonder if even the CCP likes the CCP. One of the most annoying things about getting old is having to say blatantly obvious things because none of the young ‘uns seem to know anything at all about history. Or how to do basic arithmetic, but I suppose that’s another story. Anywho, let’s talk about the freaking elephant in the room … Continue reading “The Chinese Communist Party is No One’s Friend”