Posted on June 24, 2023June 24, 2023Categories SpecialTags , , , , , , ,

Coup or No Coup?

We don’t know. I’m not just being snarky for once. Russian analysts, who are all probably massively underpaid, have trouble figuring out Russian actions under the best of circumstances. These are the worst of circumstances. That means that anyone saying they ‘know’ what exactly is happening in Russia is either lying or delusional. It’s just too early and we have too little reliable information. Peter Zeihan pointed out in one of his videos today that you will be hearing a … Continue reading “Coup or No Coup?”

Posted on June 23, 2023June 23, 2023Categories FridayTags , ,

America Needs to Reopen for Business

No, I don’t mean getting back to whatever normal is from the panicdemic. I mean it’s past time America stopped strangling its businesses. Red tape and regulations serve large corporations, not small businesses. Small businesses, not large corporations, employ most Americans. Overregulation is one of the chokeholds on the Middle Class. Take your foot off the brake, America. Oh, stop that nonsense. Sure, there are some valid regulations but that doesn’t make all or even most valid. If you can’t … Continue reading “America Needs to Reopen for Business”

Posted on June 22, 2023June 22, 2023Categories WednesdayTags , , , ,

Istaphobes Don’t Care Anymore

It’s not like the word salad coming out of the Left means anything anyway. The whole ‘white guilt’ thing was past its expiration date. Besides being cringy as all get out it made no historic sense at all. A white man’s life expectancy in the interior of Africa in the Nineteenth Century was shorter than the life expectancy of a black man brought to the Caribbean, one year and three years respectively. Hint: Whites had help. Should modern Africans pay … Continue reading “Istaphobes Don’t Care Anymore”

Posted on June 20, 2023June 20, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags ,

Which is Dying? Globalism or Corporatism?

Corporatism. See you guys Wednesday… You’re kinda addicted to the detail thing, aren’t you? Oh well, can’t accuse me of burying the lead. So, here goes: Like every good little political scientist, we start with definitions. Since I’m a cranky old political scientist, we skip all the boring stuff and just hit the highlights. When I am talking about globalism I’m just talking about the economic version. The political version is probably not nearly as long for this world as … Continue reading “Which is Dying? Globalism or Corporatism?”

Posted on June 16, 2023June 16, 2023Categories Current, FridayTags

Systemic Racism is Only in One System: Elitism

Racism: Idiotically hating someone for their skin color. Systemic Racism: Idiotically listening to someone with an Ivy League degree. “Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!” Somehow, none of us believed Venkman was predicting the future when he was ranting in Ghostbusters, but here we are. Comedically Orwellian didn’t seem like it would ever be a thing way back in ancient times – you know, the ’80s. Has anyone else noticed that any time rationality gets in the … Continue reading “Systemic Racism is Only in One System: Elitism”

Posted on June 14, 2023June 14, 2023Categories Current

Dear Ivy League, America isn’t Racist. You Are.

Seriously, $450,000 a year is a lot to make for simply surviving four years of sorority life. How many of those loyal Bud customers can afford a place overlooking Central Park? Their hard earned money purchasing billions upon billions of cans of an arguably subpar light beer paid for that lifestyle. $450,000 a year is $450,000 more than any sane company would have paid to have their cash cow sacrificed on the altar of Woke. But nowadays, CEOs have Ivy … Continue reading “Dear Ivy League, America isn’t Racist. You Are.”

Posted on June 13, 2023June 13, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags

Dear Disney, Southeast Asia Isn’t Racist. You Are.

In a surprise to no one with a pulse, Disney’s race swapping, live action klunker of a movie has sunk. The Little Mermaid, a purported remake of the great animated classic, has tanked at the box office. Golly, who’da thunk? I mean, besides every fan of the original and all the Disney observers that have been screaming into the void. But they’re all just American conservatives who hate creepy computer animated fish. Disney, in its infinite lack of wisdom, knew … Continue reading “Dear Disney, Southeast Asia Isn’t Racist. You Are.”

Posted on June 7, 2023June 7, 2023Categories Current, WednesdayTags ,

Is Russia Having a Civil War?

Probably. Don’t know if it matters yet. Boy, you people are detail junkies, aren’t you? I share Jake Broe‘s opinion that we’re seeing a civil war within Russia. Don’t get all excited. Civil war just means a nation-state is having an internal conflict with significant potential to do damage to the regime. The key word is potential. Just because Russia is having an internal dust up doesn’t mean Putin is out of a job. Not yet, anyway. We get all … Continue reading “Is Russia Having a Civil War?”

Posted on June 5, 2023June 5, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags

Be Customer Free! Go ESG!

Wake UP Corporate America! Letting bankers and bigots manage your marketing is a one way trip to bankruptcy. Stop blaming the victims. Your loyal customers have been putting up with asinine marketing for decades. Do you ever see sales go up for Black History Month or ‘Pride’ anything? Niche, sure, but general sales figures? Probably not. Memorial Day and Fourth of July? Marked uptick in anything patriotic or that can be slammed on a BBQ grill, amiright? Your customers have … Continue reading “Be Customer Free! Go ESG!”

Posted on June 3, 2023June 3, 2023Categories Current, FridayTags , , , ,

Why are we Still Using the Wheel in 2023?

It’s the 21st Century! We’re supposed to be driving flying cars and walking our pet robots. Out with the old, in with the new! I hear this stuff a lot. One of my favorite YouTube creators was irate that he had to confirm his identity with a – gasp – mail in card. It’s the 21st Century! Why can’t we just hop on a Zoom call? He had a point because he had a slew of videos to compare to … Continue reading “Why are we Still Using the Wheel in 2023?”