Today class, we will learn about what to do when your political party is in deep trouble with the voters. First, distract the voters from whatever you did to make them mad. This is a lot easier when you haven’t made them mad with almost everything you did, but it’s too late to worry about that now. Try things like: politically persecuting an opponent; persecute everyone you can who is tied to that opponent, no matter how remotely (especially good … Continue reading “Desperation 101”
Confessions of a Former Democrat
The first presidential election I could vote in was 1984, Reagan v Mondale. I’m still ticked because Reagan lied and got away with it. Sure, he could have just changed his mind later but ‘revenue enhancement’ was just a fancy way of saying ‘tax increase’ so I kinda doubt it. I did not vote for Reagan. I didn’t have high hopes for Reagan, except in one category: abortion. In Fourth Grade I supported Roe V Wade as almost Solomonic in … Continue reading “Confessions of a Former Democrat”
We Have the Power!
With apologies to He-Man fans, He-Man isn’t the power, we are! The next couple of months are going to be fun in a riding a bucking horse sort of way. The Lamestream media is going to go all out to convince you, Gentle Voter, that the tide has turned and the Democrats will survive, if not reign supreme. The Establishment knows best and will take care of everything so just get all discouraged and stay home. It would be refreshing … Continue reading “We Have the Power!”
What Are You So Scared Of?
Is it just the kids today? I don’t think so. Boomers had similar issues with risk avoidance in the 1980’s but they had also been through the stagflation of the 1970’s. That at least explains part of the Boomer’s risk aversion. But not all of it. Truth is, we grew up in a much more comfy, modern and entertaining world than our parents did. Our parents were convinced TV would rot our brains. Given what happened in the 1960’s, they … Continue reading “What Are You So Scared Of?”
Fish or Cut Bait
I think the reason young people are so annoying is that we old people do remember being that dumb. But we had fewer resources so we can’t figure out how young people now can be as dumb as we were then. Some of it is the same as it was for us. We didn’t have a clue as to how to use what was available. School prepares you to be able to learn a job but doesn’t prepare you for … Continue reading “Fish or Cut Bait”
The Important Part Occurs Between Elections
That statement should be self evident. We elect representatives to do the business of government. No one sane hires people so they can just interview for the same job over and over again. Okay, so that does bring the sanity of the United States into question but our less than stellar election behavior aside, we hire these guys to do something. We pay them WAY more than they are worth to do something important. We have an incredible interest in … Continue reading “The Important Part Occurs Between Elections”
What Will America Be?
My generation inherited a country that had a really good idea of what it was internationally and a really messed up idea of what we were at home. We were great at cleaning up everyone else’s mess but it took way too long before we did the housekeeping at home. Today, we are at a new crossroads. We have so many issues at home and so many responsibilities abroad. Unfortunately, nation-states can’t chuck it all and move to Mexico. Well, … Continue reading “What Will America Be?”
Use It or Lose It – Freedom of Speech
When I was a girl, shortly after the Earth cooled, it became fashionable for people to chide others that ‘politics and religion were not topics for polite company’. The trend became an adage – don’t talk politics or religion. After all, it’ll only start a fight. You know how Uncle Rodger is at Thanksgiving! Now, every nutjob on the street could mouth off about whatever he pleased -we just weren’t supposed to talk about the topics with him, other people, … Continue reading “Use It or Lose It – Freedom of Speech”
A Nation of Laws Doesn’t Need Immunity to Those Laws
This should be the height of ‘self evident’ but here we are anyway. We’re told it’s bad to be the most litigious nation on Earth – and that’s nonsense. We’re the most litigious nation on Earth because we have the best access to the courts. This is a pro, not a con. Better to fight it out in court than to fight it out on the street because you can’t get into court. Courts are lazy by nature. Ever see … Continue reading “A Nation of Laws Doesn’t Need Immunity to Those Laws”