Vigilance is just a fancy word for paying attention and being on the look out. Normally, when you hear this phrase we think of our servicemen and women providing our defense and extending our protection worldwide. But that’s only a part of what it means. Truth is, the US is such a ridiculously difficult military target that conventional invasion may as well be impossible. America has only been invaded once (the British, 1812) unless you want to count the Revolutionary … Continue reading “The Price of Freedom: Eternal Vigilance”
Government: Parent or Pet?
The Twentieth Century was a contest between competing political ideologies. It is a gross oversimplification to say that it was just between Communism and Capitalism or Authoritarianism and Democracy. Politics exists on a spectrum and no matter how hard we try, there are too many issues to have even two people agree on every single one, let alone whole nation-states of people. But since I’m still not interested in writing a dissertation, we’ll settle for the generalization. The Twentieth Century … Continue reading “Government: Parent or Pet?”
Stop Panicking. Democrats Just Can’t Count
The margin will be narrower than I’d thought but it seems very unlikely Republicans won’t take the House. The chances of taking the Senate are still decent. Can we please stop acting like the world is ending? Once the results ACTUALLY come in, we need to take a hard look at what exactly happened here. I’d love to blame the polls but since I wasn’t using them, that would be silly. The results we have so far do cast a … Continue reading “Stop Panicking. Democrats Just Can’t Count”
Unity Isn’t Agreement: Why Fussing and Fighting Isn’t Polarization
Every Thanksgiving we sit down to a lovely meal, express our gratitude to God for His many blessings and proceed to fight over every little thing. Turkey v, ham, Alabama v Auburn, football v baseball, board games v video games, kids v kids with video games, who Mom likes best and then Uncle Bob ruins the whole thing by bringing up politics. Next year, we repeat the whole thing. Why? Obviously, there’s no one at that table that agrees on … Continue reading “Unity Isn’t Agreement: Why Fussing and Fighting Isn’t Polarization”
Twelve Days Until the Midterms
From what I’m hearing, all the polls are pointing toward a Republican sweep. More importantly in my opinion, there are no obvious indicators that point elsewhere. My personal favorite is small donations. Most small donations go to candidates that person actually supports and will go out and vote to elect. There’s no reason to ‘lie’ with a small donation. You aren’t really hedging your bet by making small donations to every candidate. Even if you can afford it, few people … Continue reading “Twelve Days Until the Midterms”
Only the Lazy Need Fear the Future
Okay, stop me if you’ve heard this one. There was a lazy grasshopper and an industrious ant… Those of you who can’t finish that tale may have something to worry about. But I’m here to help so here are the Cliff Notes – lazy grasshopper starves to death. Yeah, old fairy tales don’t usually have Disney endings. That’s okay – we’re dealing with the real world today. The TL;DR is lazy loses. This is true in your personal life and … Continue reading “Only the Lazy Need Fear the Future”
If You Like Things the Way They are, Don’t Vote
If you’re happy with the system and the administration, stay home. Do nothing. Watch reality TV instead of being involved in reality. Now, if you like the admin but think it could be better, vote. If you are in the majority that is displeased with the admin, vote. Not voting is dumb. The admin is going to take low turnout as approval. This is true in 2022 and will be in 2024, 2026, 2028, 2030 ad infinitum (or at least … Continue reading “If You Like Things the Way They are, Don’t Vote”
Red Wave
There is absolutely nothing nail biting about this year’s midterms. Now, that doesn’t mean they aren’t important. heck, they are likely to be historic. But this is one of the very rare times when the outcome was predictable nearly a year ago. if you haven’t guessed, the Republicans win. I’m aware of the polls because I keep up with guys who analyze them. The polls are doing exactly what was expected, showing some weakening leading into September and a resurgence … Continue reading “Red Wave”
World Government: First Let’s Figure Out Regular Government
I don’t think government is an inherent evil. It’s like most things – what we make of it. Government has the power to do great good and horrendous harm. We choose. The thing that makes no sense to me is how anyone can look at the past two centuries and think we humans are any good at all at this government thing. It’s like the kid that thinks the dog bit him because the dog likes him. It’s nuts. We … Continue reading “World Government: First Let’s Figure Out Regular Government”
Taking No Joy
This week I’ve talked a lot about nation-states and political parties in collapse. These are bad things even when they are likely to ultimately result in good. But as they happen, people get hurt. Lives are altered, destroyed and even lost. It hurts to see the organization you worked so hard for or really believed in crash and burn. At a bare minimum will be economic losses and disruptions. Anyone happy about any of that isn’t thinking too straight. Lately, … Continue reading “Taking No Joy”