Yes, what a silly question. You want details again, don’t you? One of the most common and stupidest arguments commonly made for the NarrativeTM is that the public is some amorphous giant imbecile that can’t really handle the TruthTM. I swear, I think Washington gets Hollywood’s rejects to do their writing sometimes. Regardless, it’s moronic. I can prove it. You, yes you, You know who you are, reading, listening or watching this commentary. If I told you that there was … Continue reading “Deep State and Cancel Culture: Is a Day of Reckoning Coming?”
Dear Ron, Don’t Run
Good grief, who did DeSantis hire? His advisers are idiots if they think a 2024 run does anything but damage DeSantis’ 2028 chances. Was Hillary’s campaign advisor willing to work for peanuts or something? If so, he’s still overpaid. Dude, get real. Democrats would love for you to run – as a spoiler. You do have potential to do that much. You don’t have the moxie – yet – to take the nomination from Trump. Trump supporters as well as … Continue reading “Dear Ron, Don’t Run”
It’s Not a Boycott, Transheuser-Busch
Boycotts have remedies. Those boycotting make a demand and when it is met, they call off the boycott. If there is no demand to meet, there’s no boycott. National boycotts rarely work anyway. It’s like herding cats away from the Friskies – not gonna happen because you’ll never get everyone moving in the same direction. Effective boycotts are usually small in scope and always have a remedy. After all, if the company can’t make amends and get your business back … Continue reading “It’s Not a Boycott, Transheuser-Busch”
The Illuminati are Stupid
The phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ should be added to the list of logical fallacies. It’s only ever used of things we find difficult to believe or that we don’t want to believe. Being called a ‘conspiracy theory’ doesn’t make the theory true or false. It really doesn’t matter; it’s just a label used to avoid the topic. Whether or not a given case or theory is true has nothing to do with whether we label it ‘scientific’ or ‘conspiracy’ or anything … Continue reading “The Illuminati are Stupid”
Chicken Little Politics is not Finger Licking Good
Y’all remember that ‘Ok Boomer’ meme from a couple years back? Well, here’s you’re first grown up lesson as grown ups: careful who you mock because you will be on the receiving end eventually. Oh, we Boomers still love y’all and we do feel for you, but it is so incredibly funny watching Millennials and Zoomies freaking out and panicking because Russia decided to act like Russia and China still wants to rule the world. Actually, it’s hysterical. It’s almost … Continue reading “Chicken Little Politics is not Finger Licking Good”
Lobbyist Liability: Suing the Middle Man
In my anything but expert understanding to bring a case before a court there has to be some kind of injury. It’s not enough that Bob made you mad; there has to be something that actually hurt you physically or financially or in some demonstrable way. Yes, this has had some hilarious results over the years as lawyers contorted legal theories into fractals to get an ‘injury’ so they could get their client’s grievance before a court. Judges have not … Continue reading “Lobbyist Liability: Suing the Middle Man”
Bank Failure! Cats and Dogs Marrying! Handling Screaming Headlines
Basically, stop clicking on them. If you don’t want the media feeding you a steady diet of nonsense then stop eating it. You know full well that many titles are clickbait but you can’t quite stop yourself from clicking to ‘just find out’. That’s perfectly natural and completely self defeating. Here’s the thing – this is one of those cases where you really can have your cake and eat it too. Yes, I’m serious. Here’s how. You see the post … Continue reading “Bank Failure! Cats and Dogs Marrying! Handling Screaming Headlines”
Defeatism is Self Defeating
That title, boys and girls, is what we call a tautology. Basically, it is self evident and doesn’t progress an argument. You can safely forget ever hearing that definition unless you plan to do formal argumentation or are philosophy geek already commenting on how bad that definition of tautology is. Yeppers, that title is a tautology. It’s of course a true statement. But unlike a formal argument, sometimes folks just need to hear the obvious spoken aloud. I am in … Continue reading “Defeatism is Self Defeating”
Morality is the Foundation of Freedom
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. John Adams I blame the leftists. But it really doesn’t matter who started it, way too many of us went along with this nonsense that freedom means no limits whatsoever. Think it through: if you have no limits then neither does the other guy. You might think killing people for their lollipops is a bad plan but he might … Continue reading “Morality is the Foundation of Freedom”
Trump V. DeSantis: A Media Love Story
The weird thing is that the Lamestream doesn’t seem to realize its fascination with trying to hype up the alleged conflict between Trump and DeSantis is actually benefitting both. Yes, I know it’s February 24th and the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia can continue ruining itself without my help today. It matters, but the most significant thing about how today went is how much of a whimper it was. Russia be big on anniversaries so many observers … Continue reading “Trump V. DeSantis: A Media Love Story”