Unless you aren’t human or happen to really live under a rock, you’ve been upset over the news coming out of Israel. Slaughtering civilians is not freedom fighting and no one is stupid enough to mistake it for anything other than the horrible evil it actually is. Even the YouTube ‘friendly’ videos are more than enough to enrage a saint and to break any normal human heart. I didn’t tackle this directly until now because I was still getting the … Continue reading “Wisdom, Not Anger, is What We Need Now”
Can’t Never Could
I used to roll my eyes halfway back into my head every time that my mother said those words to me. It’s a wonder I can still see as many times as I did that. Anytime I was stupid enough to say to my mom “I can’t” she would turn around, look me in the eye and remind me that ‘Can’t never could’. My eyes hurt just thinking about it. Those of you under thirty who are still convinced your … Continue reading “Can’t Never Could”
Is the World Important to America?
That this question needs to be addressed is a testament to the abject failure of modern education. The answer is yes. And now you want to know why, don’t you? Kids today. When I was their age if I wanted to know something I had to walk all the way to the library, uphill, in the snow, both ways! They have the entire Encyclopedia Britannica in their pockets and can’t look up how to spell ‘boo’. It’s B-O-O. Seriously, what’s … Continue reading “Is the World Important to America?”
You Don’t Need Google to Tell You What Information to Use
The whole disinformation and misinformation discussion is pure, unadulterated lies. Lie is the old fashioned word for disinformation. FYI, mistake is the old fashioned word for misinformation. Do people lie? Heck yeah and so do companies, governments and experts. Lying comes with the squishy grey matter and your human card. It’s as natural as breathing. So you know, arsenic is also perfectly, 100% natural. Not everything natural is good for you. Lying is natural to the human condition. It’s also … Continue reading “You Don’t Need Google to Tell You What Information to Use”
The Case Against Capital Punishment
I will note that he relies heavily on the Old Testament. He establishes the moral case for the death penalty satisfactorily, but he gives only half of the story. Above, you’ll notice that I quoted Romans 12:19 – 21. Most of you probably skimmed through that but here’s the gist: God establishes that vengeance belongs to Him alone. Mr. Clark forgets this when he states: If there were ever a crime deserving the same punishment as murder, it is child … Continue reading “The Case Against Capital Punishment”
American Polarization is a Myth
I know, I know, the polls say otherwise. The polls are crap and have been for years. Just how many times do they have to get the easy things like elections wrong before you stop treating them as gospel? Yes, elections are easy. If you sample enough and correctly, more often than not you should correctly predict election outcomes. Once in a while it’ll go sideways but 99% of the time the polls will be close enough as to make … Continue reading “American Polarization is a Myth”
Make Sure it’s Dead, Jim!
Phasers on maximum! The problem we have as Americans is that we expect automation to work even when we apply the concept to things that shouldn’t be automated. Hint: self driving cars are not a great plan. Drone cars, however… Governing our overgrown, sassy and fat government is another of those things we shouldn’t automate but, boy, howdy, do we ever try! If the choice is Twitter or actually reading a whole newspaper article, well, half of you couldn’t find … Continue reading “Make Sure it’s Dead, Jim!”
America Needs to Reopen for Business
No, I don’t mean getting back to whatever normal is from the panicdemic. I mean it’s past time America stopped strangling its businesses. Red tape and regulations serve large corporations, not small businesses. Small businesses, not large corporations, employ most Americans. Overregulation is one of the chokeholds on the Middle Class. Take your foot off the brake, America. Oh, stop that nonsense. Sure, there are some valid regulations but that doesn’t make all or even most valid. If you can’t … Continue reading “America Needs to Reopen for Business”
Systemic Racism is Only in One System: Elitism
Racism: Idiotically hating someone for their skin color. Systemic Racism: Idiotically listening to someone with an Ivy League degree. “Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!” Somehow, none of us believed Venkman was predicting the future when he was ranting in Ghostbusters, but here we are. Comedically Orwellian didn’t seem like it would ever be a thing way back in ancient times – you know, the ’80s. Has anyone else noticed that any time rationality gets in the … Continue reading “Systemic Racism is Only in One System: Elitism”
Why are we Still Using the Wheel in 2023?
It’s the 21st Century! We’re supposed to be driving flying cars and walking our pet robots. Out with the old, in with the new! I hear this stuff a lot. One of my favorite YouTube creators was irate that he had to confirm his identity with a – gasp – mail in card. It’s the 21st Century! Why can’t we just hop on a Zoom call? He had a point because he had a slew of videos to compare to … Continue reading “Why are we Still Using the Wheel in 2023?”