There was never any real chance that Joe Biden wasn’t going to pardon his son, nor any indication that the Justice Department wasn’t fully complicit in the judicial fraud. Let’s spend a few hundred grand or a million or more for all the proceedings just to time the trial so that Hunter Biden would have ample opportunity to plead guilty long before his father would leave the White House. Anyone believing this wasn’t contrived needs to go to my nonexistent … Continue reading “Biden Pardons Hunter: No One is Surprised”
Is Trump Going to Win?
I wrote a post with this title back in May. Things happened and I didn’t get around to publishing it. You can find it and the audio at the bottom of this page. Sorry, audio and video folks, you can only see it on Quill Sword dot net, link in the description. It’s probably worth a read but you’ve already seen the ending. Back in May, my answer to the question of whether or not Trump will win was probably. … Continue reading “Is Trump Going to Win?”
Will Biden Drop Out?
I don’t know and neither does anyone else. Look, in the last twenty-four hours there have been a lot of reports of Biden being ready to drop out, either by Monday or being in talks about what a withdrawal will look like. Zero of these come from on record sources and zero come from the Biden camp. They could be correct, or they could be hot air. As of this writing on 7/19/24 Noon CST, I suspect they are all … Continue reading “Will Biden Drop Out?”
Is It Really About Trump?
Good grief, no. What do they teach you kids these days? Look, I think Trump was a danged site better president than he had any right to be but that doesn’t mean he was all that great. I agree with him politically but his administration left something to be desired in the ‘actually getting stuff done’ department. To his credit he gave a decent try at every major promise he made on the campaign trail but he left more than … Continue reading “Is It Really About Trump?”
Super Tuesday and the State of the Union
Well that was a busy week wasn’t it? In a surprise to absolutely no one, Donald Trump won 14 of the 15 states on Super Tuesday. In a shock to absolutely everyone, Joe Biden made it all the way through the State of the Union address without collapsing, wandering off the stage or otherwise showing advanced stages of dementia. Having won Vermont, Nikki Haley, finally getting a clue, has dropped out of the presidential race. So what does all this … Continue reading “Super Tuesday and the State of the Union”
America May be a Bit Crazy, But the Crazies Don’t Speak for America
/ Unless you’re a Democrat, of course. How’s that working out for ya, Bud Light? Do you really think a Super Bowl commercial is going to make any difference to the people you refuse to apologize to? You know, you customers? Oh. let’s be fair. There are plenty of Republicans who are convinced that arguing on Facebook is a blow for freedom. Well, okay, so maybe it is, a little, but really, do you think calling people names on social … Continue reading “America May be a Bit Crazy, But the Crazies Don’t Speak for America”
Bedtime for Big Tech?
No, not just Twitter. Honestly, I suspect YouTube will end up feeling the worst of the consumer shift first. Now, if you are taking business advice from me, you should not be in business. I can barely sell snarky tee shirts so I’m not the gal you want writing your business model. Politics, however, I know a bit about. Most businesses avoid politics like the plague. Ticking off customers unnecessarily is generally considered a bad sales tactic. Corporations love politics … Continue reading “Bedtime for Big Tech?”
Division, Derision and Devolution: What the Heck is Going on in the World Today?
I thought I’d pick a nice, light, simple topic for today. Oops, sorry about dripping sarcasm on your shoes. I hear laughter takes it right out! They say history doesn’t repeat but it does rhyme. The problem is that history is created by people. People who assume they’re smarter than their ancestors because enlightenment, science, technology, the passage of time, et cetera. Pick your poison, we all do this. We assume that the big questions can easily be answered by … Continue reading “Division, Derision and Devolution: What the Heck is Going on in the World Today?”
Veteran’s Day: Freedom Ain’t Free
Red poppies. Over one hundred years ago the world went to war. Tomorrow we remember those who died in World War One and all those who served our country on the field of battle. Far too many of those who fought for our freedom never returned. The poem Flander’s Fields speaks poignantly of the red poppies blowing in the breeze between the gravestones of the fallen of World War One. In Europe, they celebrate Remembrance Day on November 11th, the … Continue reading “Veteran’s Day: Freedom Ain’t Free”
Which is More Important, Israel or Ukraine?
To the US? Ukraine, hands down. More details? Seriously? The question wasn’t rhetorical? I define politically important as ‘affects real people’. For the majority of people just wanting to be well informed, good citizens that’s the best possible definition. If an issue or event doesn’t affect people or only affects a few, unless you’re one of the few, that thing isn’t politically important enough to spend bandwidth on learning about it. But it doesn’t serve when talking about most nation … Continue reading “Which is More Important, Israel or Ukraine?”