Canada Betrayed

There’s no one who actually believes that the Canadian Trucker’s convoy was anything other than a peaceful protest – no one sane, at least. And yet, with the borders already cleared of protestors, the Canadian House of Commons voted along party lines to grant ’emergency’ powers to their executive – powers to include the ability to freeze bank accounts without court order. Because peaceful protests are annoying, eh?

There is a Canadian Senate which is controlled by the same party – so not a lot of hope that they will block this insanity. If not, then Canada is effectively under martial law for the next thirty days. In the meantime, Trudeau’s party has already been making noise about making some of these powers permanent – because the mean truckers might come back and honk their horns, doncha know.

If you’re drawing parallels to Nazi Germany, you obviously know your history. Not even 90 years later we’re seeing exactly the same kinds of tactics in use to strip freedom and rights from a democratic people. It’s a sad day.

But it ain’t over yet.

In all likelihood, this move will spook investors at the very least. Canadians that aren’t already moving their accounts to safer harbors likely will consider it soon – and that could destroy Canada’s largest banks. There was evidence of a bank run last week – it will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow. But with Canadian banks unsafe for consumers, building any business in Canada becomes foolish for investors – it’s a pain to have to use foreign banks and sometimes unworkable.

There were protests all over Canada in advance of the vote. Probably going to be a rough day for Canadian senators tomorrow – but will that be the extent of it? A nationwide walk out is rumored – at least a whole lot of folks gonna be sick tomorrow.

We Americans had a similar punch to the gut with the 2020 election. Thing is, Lincoln was right- you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Democrats are facing at least a loss of power in the midterms but even the weighted polls are showing massive displeasure with the Democrats. The highest figures I’ve heard so far are a possible 80 seat loss in the midterms – and my suspicion is that it will be much worse than that because I don’t foresee Biden getting any better within the next year. And if the Ukraine was a tail wagging, oh boy is that dog in for it!

What that means for Canada is that it can only go downhill from here for Trudeau. Thing about freezing accounts is that you will be freezing wrong accounts and nice people’s accounts and widowed mother’s accounts – and they will all be complaining on Facebook. Every. Single. Day. To their friends, families and that guy they knew in school – all the people that don’t pay attention to alternative media but do check up on friends on FB. Everyone that thought the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) was telling them the truth is about to get an earful from the aggrieved suffering under Canadian Authoritarianism.

Today was a nasty set back for Canada. And it will take a lot of effort to force an early election – or worse, wait five long years for the next one. But the only way to lose is to quit.

People who voluntarily live where it snows all the time and the signs are in French don’t strike me as quitters. Crazies – I mean, it snows up there! – but not quitters.


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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!