Can the Democrat Party Rebuild?

I forgot to mention this possibility in my last post. Yeah, it’s possible. Not probable at the moment and impossible to predict, but possible.

If – very big if – it happened, what would it look like? Basically, there would be an internal fight for control of the party. It might start with a split between the Clinton and Obama camps with each trying to gain control of the party. Neither of those camps is particularly in favor with their membership so the likely result would be a complete disintegration.

That’s when the lawsuits start as the lawyers start playing buzzard and picking all the meat off the bones of the party as a corporate entity.

However, it might just let another faction actually gain control. If that happens, they’ll redecorate and put out their shingle as the New and Improved Democrat Party, No Crazies Allowed. But what faction inside the Democrats could or would pull that off, I have no idea and I suspect they don’t know, either.

I still think buzzard food is the most likely outcome but a new party would really, really want those Democrat Party assets to launch with. Depends on what factions inside the Democrat Party can muster any real support. None of the present leadership has that kind of potential so any real contender for party control would literally come out of left field.

This kind of scrambling it what I expect will take up the lion’s share of the next few months. I can’t imagine why any elected Democrat would be looking at leadership and not wanting to either take over or jump ship. Yes, I still expect the first signs to be those jumping ship, but what we can see on the outside isn’t always telltale of what’s going on on the inside. Maybe they will pull off a miracle and have a fairly quick takeover. More likely, there’s going to be a bruising battle for control that ends in disaster.

Their biggest problem is that they don’t have anyone like Trump who can stage manage the takeover. It’s not enough to play puppet master – they need someone who has a real significant base of support within the party. I’m only being partially facetious when I say Carter would have been their best bet. Carter was well respected in a way no other Democrat presently is. I don’t see any Democrats in the field that have the moxie to rally the troops to their banner.

Remember the 2020 Primary Debates with 21 candidates on stage all agreeing with one another? The Democrats are still stuck in that loop. They need an actual leader and they haven’t got one.

A bunch of increasingly tiny factions fighting for scraps only destroys whatever assets the Democrat Party has and no one will end up in control – unless you count Bankruptcy Court.

And this is why I didn’t even think about this possibility last post. I just don’t see anyone in that party that can rally the troops to rebuild the party. Who knows, maybe they have just the man or woman in the wings waiting to step on stage. But I really, really doubt it. If that person exists, they kind of stink at performing on cue.

The Democrats need a leader center stage right now. You’ll notice the spotlight is empty.

Kind of sums up the whole Democrat Party, doesn’t it?

P.S. – Yep, wrote this last week. Not as fast as I used to be.


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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!

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