Biden and the 25th Amendment

Well, that was fast. I thought I’d be apologizing because Biden had returned to Washington by the time of my last post. You’ll forgive me for not counting his showing up, doing a ten minute statement and running back to Camp David as ‘returning’. At least he took time out from his important nap schedule to address the nation about a foreign policy crisis of his own making.

Please do note the dripping sarcasm.

But what everyone really wants to know is whether or not he will stay in office. Odds are not – but never rule out the Dark Horse – or the napping one.

So, what’s keeping him in office? At the moment, it’s the optics – Harris wants the job but she doesn’t want to look like she’s plotting a coup. Since she will play a large part in the invoking of the 25th Amendment, she needs to play this very politically smart.

Yes, this is the same woman that told a reporter that they weren’t going to pin the Afghani collapse on her. But no one able to dress themselves is totally incompetent – and Harris is very good at playing political games in political back alleys.

The WH staff is probably trying to find a way to blame Harris – that Biden just blamed Trump does not help. That, too, is optics – they had to blame someone else and that statement Biden gave is the WH floundering around hoping the American people will blame Trump, the Afghani’s, or the Tooth Fairy for what is obviously Biden’s screw up. But without a really good cover story, they couldn’t come out and blame Harris – that would make it look like Harris, not Biden, had been president all along. For the Biden camp in the White House, that’s rock versus very hard place.

Will Biden resign? If he’s smart – or his handlers are – yes. Being the first president removed under the 25th Amendment isn’t exactly a legacy anyone would want. Unless they see a way to keep Biden in office, resignation is the graceful exit.

What way could there be? Harris. She’s incredibly unpopular with her own party and everyone else. Her approval numbers were already bad at the end of July. It’s doubtful that the Afghani situation has improved them any. Neither Democrats nor Republicans – let alone Independents – want Harris in the Oval office. But if Biden resigns or the 25th is invoked, that’s exactly where she’d be.

And there’s the rub – no one wants either Biden or Harris as president right now. Even the lapdog media is beginning to growl at Biden – but they aren’t singing Harris’ praises yet.

The far less likely and really silly options are impeach Harris and then use the 25th on Biden – only one of those things is actually constitutional. No one likes Harris, but there’s not even an allegation of the serious wrongdoing necessary to justify an impeachment. The other is impeach them both – which is just as unconstitutional. Would be funny, though.

And the same goes for the Biden impeachment floated before the House – it’s not justified. It’s not even remotely likely to gain any traction, either. It is funny, however.

If this situation drags out long enough, expect allegations to come. Because there is one ace up Sleepy Joe’s sleeve – a coup attempt would definitely be impeachable. Since we’ve been regaled for months about the ‘insurrection’ of January 6th (Pelosi’s laptop isn’t that important, really) it’s not going to be hard to claim that any move by Harris to invoke the 25th is a coup attempt.

It’s not as laughable as it sounds. Because of how the 25th Amendment is structured, if Biden opposes the removal, both the House and the Senate have to get a 2/3’s majority vote in order to remove Biden. How interested are the Republicans in a Harris presidency? How much do Democrats want to be the first party to remove their own guy? These and other questions will be answered in a lot of back room politicking – which looks a lot like a coup, doesn’t it?

Yes, that’s all optics. The reality is Harris can’t sit on the sidelines – not unless Congress suddenly gets around to providing for a body that can bring a written declaration to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate about Biden’s competence just to get this show on the road. As it stands now, Harris as Vice President has to bring the declaration.

None of that looks like Harris wants Biden’s job, now does it? Of course it does – and the Biden camp will promptly start screaming about a ‘coup‘ attempt.

The only question is who will the legacy media side with? Biden, who they have been fawning over for over a year or Harris, who they were perfectly happy to toss to the wolves just a few weeks ago? Except Biden is now a major liability especially for the upcoming 2022 Midterms and Harris is looking downright capable in comparison. This one’s a toss up at the moment.

I suspect the legacy media gangs are really missing Trump right now – with the Orange Man around, they always knew who the bad guy was supposed to be.

So, what next? The first order of business is to decide who you think would be best to hold the office of President until 2024.

If Biden, write Harris’ office opposing the invoking of the 25th Amendment in no uncertain terms. Do the same with all three of your representatives.

If Harris, write Biden urging his resignation. Then write all three of your representatives urging the invocation of the 25th Amendment.

If Pelosi, write your representatives urging that both Biden and Harris be impeached. Yeppers, if both Biden and Harris are gone, Pelosi becomes President. The Democrats have achieved an amazing trifecta of office holders that NO ONE wants to be president.

Unfortunately, one of them HAS to be. So which one of them do you chose?

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!