Posted on June 22, 2022June 22, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

Which is More Important, Ukraine or Taiwan?

Ukraine. Thanks for coming see you… Oh, you want the long answer, huh? Okay, here it is: Ukraine has actually been invaded, Taiwan hasn’t. Happy now? No? Man, you’re a tough crowd. Taiwan produces semiconductors. Ukraine produces food. Semiconductor shortages result in a lot of complaining on social media; food shortages result in riots and starvation. Just because America doesn’t need Ukrainian grain doesn’t mean that countless millions don’t. Massive uprisings abroad do nasty things to supply chains so Taiwan … Continue reading “Which is More Important, Ukraine or Taiwan?”

Posted on June 20, 2022June 16, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , ,

American Exceptionalism Isn’t License to be Jerks

I don’t see a rational argument against American exceptionalism. There are similarities, sure, but there really isn’t anything quite like America either in the modern world or in history. We’re exceptional. We’re weird. Any way you slice it, the United States of America is unlike any other nation-state ever. Part of what makes us so exceptional is that we try to use our power for good, all over the planet. We’re the first boots on the ground of any disaster. … Continue reading “American Exceptionalism Isn’t License to be Jerks”

Posted on June 17, 2022June 22, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

The Midterms are the Beginning

Americans are way too used to the idea that government can be put on autopilot. More like cruise control where you glance at your speed now and again to make sure it’s working right but otherwise ignore the speedometer. We show up on election day, vote for our party or whatever names we fancy, and go home and forget the whole thing for another two years. Civic duty done, right? Yeah, no. That’s just punching the time clock – the … Continue reading “The Midterms are the Beginning”

Posted on June 15, 2022June 15, 2022Categories CurrentTags , ,

Warehouse Schools

The modern American school system is stupid. We cram hundreds of kids all in the same age groups with only one overworked adult to supervise them and wonder why they act like crazed chickens. How, exactly, do little kids learn good social skills from other little kids? They don’t. They learn to form cliques and to pick on weaker kids – exactly like an over crowded chicken coop. That’s not mere analogy – the similarities are striking and scary. Growing … Continue reading “Warehouse Schools”

Posted on June 14, 2022June 15, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , ,

Why I Support the AR15 Ban – Sorta

Got your attention, didn’t I? What kind of conservative would support the gun grabbing, authoritarian, crazed liberal government? Not this one. Say what? But, but you support the AR15 ban! Sorta, yeah. Hear me out. I’ve been pro-gun control since the first time I had to crawl home because some #&$^%*^*$!!!! decided to shoot at whatever moved, which happened to be me. I accept the intellectual proposition that responsible gun owners exist. I think unicorns are more likely but I … Continue reading “Why I Support the AR15 Ban – Sorta”

Posted on June 10, 2022June 8, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , ,

The World is as Okay as it Gets

The only thing that separates the 1970’s from the 2020’s is that the music was much better in the Seventies – and that includes disco. Otherwise, inflation, unemployment, smart alec kids certain that they were changing the world for the better no matter how stupid their ideas were, international conflict, internal conflict, insane presidential politics are all pretty much the same. Sure, some of the steps have changed, but the dance is still the same. I’m a Baby Boomer by … Continue reading “The World is as Okay as it Gets”

Posted on June 8, 2022June 8, 2022Categories CurrentTags , ,

For Sale: World, Used, Slightly Muddled

Scripture never tells us to look for intelligence. It mentions reason in a few places but that’s as close as it gets. Instead, Scripture tells us to seek wisdom. It’s all about the wisdom. More valuable than gold and jewels – wisdom is where it’s at. Modern man instead spends his time proving that a raven in as smart as a seven year old human. Great, the raven can identify objects, count to ten and get itself killed crossing a … Continue reading “For Sale: World, Used, Slightly Muddled”

Posted on June 6, 2022June 4, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , ,

What Happens When Russia Collapses?

Historically, not much. A lot of killing if they happen to have a tsar and a lot of complaining to go along with a whole lot of behind the scenes feuding until someone finally becomes the new leader. Yay, milk and cookies, and a few decades of oppression. Wash, rinse, repeat. Seriously, the last five hundred years of Russian history is pretty much an unending cycle of revolt, strong man government, economic prosperity, economic downturn and a new revolt. Corruption, … Continue reading “What Happens When Russia Collapses?”

Posted on June 4, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , ,

Cracks Forming in NATO?

Short answer: No. See y’all next time… Okay, okay, long answer: No, it’s just politics as usual. Frankly, I’m amazed it took this long. The problem is the leadership vacuum. There really isn’t a leader on the NATO side. Biden is, well, Biden. He has trouble getting his dog to follow him. Johnson is as close to a leader as NATO has right now as he’s gotten in front of a lot of the stuff that needed doing. He’s not … Continue reading “Cracks Forming in NATO?”

Posted on June 1, 2022June 1, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

What Do We Do Once We Win?

Any other time I would still be telling you it’s much too early to call the general election. Any other time, a centrist nation doesn’t take a lot to shove things in a different direction so six months out is an eternity. Not this time. A war, C19 redux, and Republican division – ordinarily, any one of these would be enough to buy the Democrats support. The war especially should normally benefit the party in power. But none of that … Continue reading “What Do We Do Once We Win?”