This week I’ve talked a lot about nation-states and political parties in collapse. These are bad things even when they are likely to ultimately result in good. But as they happen, people get hurt. Lives are altered, destroyed and even lost. It hurts to see the organization you worked so hard for or really believed in crash and burn. At a bare minimum will be economic losses and disruptions. Anyone happy about any of that isn’t thinking too straight. Lately, … Continue reading “Taking No Joy”
Losing the Left is the Best for the West
Normally, I talk American politics on Wednesdays, but this is an issue that really spans both the US and Europe. If anything, it affects Europe to a much greater degree and will be much more difficult for them to deal with. There’s a poison going through Western democracies – leftism. It’s insidious as it masquerades as concern for the underprivileged but instigates policies that do underprivileged people far more harm than good. Leftism is a spectrum – most political movements … Continue reading “Losing the Left is the Best for the West”
When Nation-State Collapse is a Good Thing
Recently, a friend asked me if I understood what a collapse would mean for China. Short answer: yes. Long answer: as much as one can understand before such an event, I believe so, yes. My friend was aghast at the idea that China would collapse because of what it would mean for the people of China and the rest of the world. He’s not wrong to worry about such things but a better question is what happens if China doesn’t … Continue reading “When Nation-State Collapse is a Good Thing”
Desperation 101
Today class, we will learn about what to do when your political party is in deep trouble with the voters. First, distract the voters from whatever you did to make them mad. This is a lot easier when you haven’t made them mad with almost everything you did, but it’s too late to worry about that now. Try things like: politically persecuting an opponent; persecute everyone you can who is tied to that opponent, no matter how remotely (especially good … Continue reading “Desperation 101”
Is Russia Losing the War with Ukraine?
I’m writing this on September 11, 2022. At this time, the Kharkiv front has collapsed in a rout for the Russians. Ukrainian troops have reached the border and have liberated a large swath of territory on the eastern side of Ukraine. Russian media is having a hard time covering for the defeat. No, that doesn’t mean Russia has lost – yet. But it looks very, very bad. I’m not a military analysis and I don’t play one on TV but … Continue reading “Is Russia Losing the War with Ukraine?”
The Green is Dead, Long Live the Green
Solar and wind are so yesterday. I realize most climate activists haven’t gotten the memo but as grid scale power sources, they are both pretty much toast. Yes, yes, Scotland and the North Sea, most of the US Southwest, et cetera are indeed exceptions. Thing is, that’s exactly what they are: exceptions. Very few places on Earth have enough solar or wind capacity to use those sources at grid scale. Sure, you can pop solar panels on your house almost … Continue reading “The Green is Dead, Long Live the Green”
Polls: Finally Getting it Right?
July 17, 2022 When they work, poll’s are a great way to get the pulse of a group of people – or a whole population. When they don’t work, you get garbage. Right now, polls probably aren’t working – well, yet. There are two ways to know if a poll is really measuring what its supposed to measure. The first is to get a much bigger poll – we call them elections. The second is to match them up against … Continue reading “Polls: Finally Getting it Right?”
2022 Edition Campaign Finance Reform
If you can’t vote in it, you can’t donate in it. What? That’s not simple enough? Okay, okay, so I’ll explain. Those of you who didn’t get to live through the 1980’s (condolences) probably don’t remember the last heyday of campaign finance reform. Back then the idea was to prevent under the table deals and big donors giving big amounts directly to little candidates in little ponds. So we enacted a bunch of legislation starting in the Seventies and ended … Continue reading “2022 Edition Campaign Finance Reform”
Is China Collapsing?
Is China collapsing? Yes. Is China collapsing tomorrow? No. Is China collapsing in three days? No. Is China collapsing next week? No. Is China collapsing next month? No. Is China collapsing … How many of these stupid ‘China is collapsing in X days’ videos did you binge?! China is not in its final phase of collapse that I can tell. Nation-states don’t collapse quickly. It takes usually several years from the first domino to the final one. I think we … Continue reading “Is China Collapsing?”
Confessions of a Former Democrat
The first presidential election I could vote in was 1984, Reagan v Mondale. I’m still ticked because Reagan lied and got away with it. Sure, he could have just changed his mind later but ‘revenue enhancement’ was just a fancy way of saying ‘tax increase’ so I kinda doubt it. I did not vote for Reagan. I didn’t have high hopes for Reagan, except in one category: abortion. In Fourth Grade I supported Roe V Wade as almost Solomonic in … Continue reading “Confessions of a Former Democrat”