You’re not going to like my take on the midterms right now. It is too early to analyze the results – or lack thereof – correctly. Therefore, I’m not going to offer an analysis at this time. Once the results are in and events shake out over the next three to four days, I’ll have something to work with and do a reasonable analysis. I know, lots and lots of talking heads are telling you all about the disaster or … Continue reading “And the Winner is… Please Stand By”
Poverty with Chinese Characteristics
Xi Xinping is not an idiot. He is also not a capitalist or an opportunist. Not sure if he’s an ideologue, I kinda doubt it. He’s not power mad, or a raving lunatic. Cold blooded SOB is a given since he heads the CCP – it’s a prerequisite. Xi Xinping is not leading China toward greatness. He might or might not know that. He’s not going to be invading Taiwan anytime soon. He’s not a madman. Xi is what you … Continue reading “Poverty with Chinese Characteristics”
Unity Isn’t Agreement: Why Fussing and Fighting Isn’t Polarization
Every Thanksgiving we sit down to a lovely meal, express our gratitude to God for His many blessings and proceed to fight over every little thing. Turkey v, ham, Alabama v Auburn, football v baseball, board games v video games, kids v kids with video games, who Mom likes best and then Uncle Bob ruins the whole thing by bringing up politics. Next year, we repeat the whole thing. Why? Obviously, there’s no one at that table that agrees on … Continue reading “Unity Isn’t Agreement: Why Fussing and Fighting Isn’t Polarization”
Tax Returns and Presidents
The United States Supreme Court stayed a lower court ruling. Happens all the time. This particular stay will keep Congress’ greedy mitts off of Trump’s tax returns for at least another ten days. Yay – why do we care? Well, first off, the premise for Congress’ subpoena keeps changing. At present, the idea is that Congress needs the returns to sort out how to handle presidential tax returns in the future. trouble is, they aren’t asking for any returns but … Continue reading “Tax Returns and Presidents”
Russian Disarmament: Doing it the Hard Way
Seriously, Russia, are you nuts? Mutually agreed disarmament with a well thought out peace agreement in place is a wonderful idea. Throwing everything you have including the kitchen sink at a country that clearly isn’t going to give in is idiotic. You know this. It’s time to face facts: you already lost. Nuclear weapons can’t help you. They are great deterrents and terrible battlefield weapons. I don’t mean terrible in terms of their destructive power, as true as that is, … Continue reading “Russian Disarmament: Doing it the Hard Way”
Twelve Days Until the Midterms
From what I’m hearing, all the polls are pointing toward a Republican sweep. More importantly in my opinion, there are no obvious indicators that point elsewhere. My personal favorite is small donations. Most small donations go to candidates that person actually supports and will go out and vote to elect. There’s no reason to ‘lie’ with a small donation. You aren’t really hedging your bet by making small donations to every candidate. Even if you can afford it, few people … Continue reading “Twelve Days Until the Midterms”
Golly, The Polls Might Be Wrong Again?
Gee, how can that be? Okay, okay, less sarcasm, more explanation. There are several major factors and a host of minor ones. We’ll cover the majors. First, most polls aren’t done to actually measure voter preference. This is a feature, not a bug. MSNBC, CNN and FOX just want something to fill the dead space. Polls are quick, cheap and sound like something – without being easily checked. Well, at least most folks don’t know how. Five bajillion percent increase … Continue reading “Golly, The Polls Might Be Wrong Again?”
Recovering Libertarians are Recovering
Ten years ago libertarianism was all the rage in conservative circles. The short version was they didn’t like ‘losing’ the culture war all the time and thought they could just skip all that culture stuff and worry about important things like freedom and not spending ourselves into oblivion. Didn’t actually work so well. Turns out, culture informs politics more than politics informs culture. This little tidbit is what is destroying the Democrats at the moment. While over time politics can … Continue reading “Recovering Libertarians are Recovering”
Only the Lazy Need Fear the Future
Okay, stop me if you’ve heard this one. There was a lazy grasshopper and an industrious ant… Those of you who can’t finish that tale may have something to worry about. But I’m here to help so here are the Cliff Notes – lazy grasshopper starves to death. Yeah, old fairy tales don’t usually have Disney endings. That’s okay – we’re dealing with the real world today. The TL;DR is lazy loses. This is true in your personal life and … Continue reading “Only the Lazy Need Fear the Future”
Liberal Insanity, Conservative Cynicism
It’s hard to say which one is worse. The nice thing about total lunatics is that they are easy to identify. Usually, this means the sane people pat them on the head and help them get the help they need. The Democrats decided to put them in charge. Republicans did something just as dumb if less obvious. They voted for guys who said the right things and did nothing. Their passivity allowed the crazies to not only guide the conversation … Continue reading “Liberal Insanity, Conservative Cynicism”