Vigilance is just a fancy word for paying attention and being on the look out. Normally, when you hear this phrase we think of our servicemen and women providing our defense and extending our protection worldwide. But that’s only a part of what it means. Truth is, the US is such a ridiculously difficult military target that conventional invasion may as well be impossible. America has only been invaded once (the British, 1812) unless you want to count the Revolutionary … Continue reading “The Price of Freedom: Eternal Vigilance”
Maricopa County: Why Democrats Cheat
There are polls you never see. These are done on behalf of campaigns. Campaigns spend a WHOLE LOT of money on these polls. That doesn’t mean they don’t have issues because all modern polling has issues, but it does mean they should be far more accurate than the garbage aired on the news each night. These polls are done early and often. They are used to guide the strategic planning of a campaign. That sounds worse than it is; polls … Continue reading “Maricopa County: Why Democrats Cheat”
Protests and Unrest in China
Okay, those of you that think this is a bad sign for the CCP and that China could collapse, you’re not wrong. Those of you who think China probably won’t collapse aren’t wrong either. Nation-states are resilient and this is not China’s first rodeo. But it is their first ride on a bull this big. So, what does it mean? Well, it means the CCP has pulled off something once believed to be nearly impossible – they have found the … Continue reading “Protests and Unrest in China”
Government: Parent or Pet?
The Twentieth Century was a contest between competing political ideologies. It is a gross oversimplification to say that it was just between Communism and Capitalism or Authoritarianism and Democracy. Politics exists on a spectrum and no matter how hard we try, there are too many issues to have even two people agree on every single one, let alone whole nation-states of people. But since I’m still not interested in writing a dissertation, we’ll settle for the generalization. The Twentieth Century … Continue reading “Government: Parent or Pet?”
Giving Thanks
If you are a surviving turkey, I suspect this comes natural this time of year. For the rest of us, it’s easy to get caught up in all the negative things. Stuff that went wrong. Stuff that happened that shouldn’t have. Stuff that didn’t happen that should have. Painful stuff. Bad stuff. Just plain too much stuff. Life can come with some heavy baggage. It’s okay – it’s even a good thing – to cry when we need to, to … Continue reading “Giving Thanks”
The Post Russo-Sino World, Part II
Okay, when last we left our hypothetical, the world had NOT ended in a fireball. The US was busily trying to corral nuclear proliferation and both Russia and China had fully collapsed. Nation-states can multi-task. They aren’t great at it because humans aren’t, but unlike your Supermom, nation-states really do have many people who can be directed to do different things. This is a good thing because the US is gonna be really distracted, as it was in the Nineties, … Continue reading “The Post Russo-Sino World, Part II”
Word Salad: Political Labeling
Define liberal for me. If you are a liberal, you probably define it in terms of making things better. If you are a conservative you probably define it in terms of policies like abortion and deficit spending. Both are correct and both are wrong. Truth is, we use a LOT of political jargon to define groups and most of those words aren’t themselves clearly defined. What a political scientist means by liberal will be literally defined in the beginning of … Continue reading “Word Salad: Political Labeling”
Republicans Take Control of the House!
November 17, 2022 The first announcements broke early Wednesday but confirmation reports didn’t come until Wednesday evening. Fox didn’t show the 218 count until this morning. The media covered Trump’s announcement that he is running for president extensively, but barely a whimper about the upset. Oh well, it only took eight days to find out. Isn’t twenty-first century tech great? I decided to delay my post until I had confirmation. I am not yet willing to analyze the midterms mostly … Continue reading “Republicans Take Control of the House!”
The Post Russo-Sino World
Yeah, yeah, I know. I was the one forecasting a Democrat Party collapse and then there wasn’t really a red wave. Actually, I still think the Democrat Party will collapse but the Republicans may beat them to it. Party system shifts happen that way. Political parties, like nation-states, can be stubbornly resilient little buggers. Government and politics often are glacial in their timeframes – unless they are doing something that you don’t like. They seem to manage to speed up … Continue reading “The Post Russo-Sino World”
Stop Panicking. Democrats Just Can’t Count
The margin will be narrower than I’d thought but it seems very unlikely Republicans won’t take the House. The chances of taking the Senate are still decent. Can we please stop acting like the world is ending? Once the results ACTUALLY come in, we need to take a hard look at what exactly happened here. I’d love to blame the polls but since I wasn’t using them, that would be silly. The results we have so far do cast a … Continue reading “Stop Panicking. Democrats Just Can’t Count”