And the Winner is… Please Stand By

Audio Version

You’re not going to like my take on the midterms right now. It is too early to analyze the results – or lack thereof – correctly. Therefore, I’m not going to offer an analysis at this time. Once the results are in and events shake out over the next three to four days, I’ll have something to work with and do a reasonable analysis.

I know, lots and lots of talking heads are telling you all about the disaster or not yesterday. With no results, they are just guessing blindly. Last returns I saw as of 11 CST this morning had nothing decided other than Florida being a big win for Republicans. Yay. Like that helps tell us which party will control Congress in three months.

What does this mean? It means we wait and see before we decide what it means. No quick pithy answer – I may crack a few one liners but I don’t have a good answer so I’m not gonna guess.

What can I talk about? Well, the delayed returns are a bad sign for both parties. Maybe it’s all perfectly fine – actually, no, it’s not. Florida got its act together and got its results tabulated in a timely manner so why can’t other states? When we look at the map, it’s blue states that seem to be unable to count.

Stop freaking out – I doubt it’s more than the endemic cheating we find in those states. My suspicion is that the delay helps soften the blow on the Democrats when they do lose the House and probably the Senate. But it also makes them look incompetent – not a great look going into 2024. And yes, you will be hearing about this for the next two years.

It’s also bad for the Republican Party – they literally ran on election integrity and this delay happens. Which sets off lots of alarm bells – that we have no idea whether or not are justified – and the base is looking at the leadership wondering what good they are. Bad plan, Republicans. This will hurt you if you don’t get you electoral act in gear NOW.

So, instead of election results, we’ll be discussing lawsuits and deniers and cheaters and morons in office for the next week. Just discussing, not really getting to the heart of anything because we don’t have the results to do that with yet.

Sigh…. I think I’ll go watch Captain Kirk rescue the galaxy. More entertaining and less migraine inducing than listening to a bunch of talking heads talk about something that they don’t really have answers to – yet.

Maybe we’ll have results to discuss Friday. Maybe I’ll corner the Tylenol market. I’m definitely finally buying the Star Trek DVD set.

Set phasers to stun.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!