All Our People – NOTHING LESS

No excuses. No failures. GET OUR PEOPLE OUT – EVERY SINGLE ONE.

Spread the word!

Seems stupid to have to say it out loud. You’d think the current administration would have the same sense God gave a billy goat and would KNOW that we the people will not accept ANYTHING LESS than getting ALL our people home.

That will mean bringing a lot of our Afghani friends as well – so be it. Everyone who comes without papers will have to be vetted – but if they have been genuinely working with the US they will have no difficultly naming Americans who can vouch for them or giving information that corroborates their claim. This is Investigation 101 – it’s neither difficult nor expensive. That’s just a normal part of immigration – it’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

We DON’T leave our people – American or friendly – behind. PERIOD.

Why does any of that even need saying?

So hear us, Democrats, and hear us well – this is YOUR debacle and YOU will get our people out. All of them. There is no other possibility – your party controls both the White House and Congress so you have ZERO excuse.

We expect competence and excellence. Either provide them or get someone who can – because this stain will NOT just go away.

We are the United States of America and we possess the mightiest military in human history. We have given the Democrats the reins of power and we expect them to use those reins to the benefit of ALL Americans.

Especially those who went into harm’s way on our behalf.

No excuses. No failures. GET OUR PEOPLE OUT – EVERY SINGLE ONE.

Is that clear enough for you, Joe Biden?

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!