A Word on the Attempt on President Trump’s Life

A person was shot and killed and a second is in critical condition today. First and foremost, all our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of today’s assassination attempt. We also are grateful that President Trump was not seriously wounded and is doing well. We pray for him and his family as they recover from this assault.

Tomorrow, we’ll worry about the political ramifications. Today, we grieve for the victims, those we know about and those we will be finding out about soon. We grieve for the person who lost his or her life. We pray for the recovery of the seriously and the less seriously injured. We pray for our former president who was himself injured.

There will be plenty of time tomorrow for the questions about how this could happen. Today, we are grateful to the Secret Service and police on scene who responded quickly and professionally. We are grateful that through their efforts things weren’t far worse.

Tomorrow, we’ll discuss the now lifeless shooter. Today, we remember that unrestrained anger leads no where good. Today is the day for grieving the results of his actions.

Today, we scream our frustration and anger into the bathroom mirror and not at others. Tomorrow, we will be better able to begin the long, hard process of dealing with the aftermath of this heinous act of political violence.

Today is the day for prayer and grieving. We the People of the United States of America will rise to the occasion and deal with this, when we are less raw and less incensed, tomorrow. We will be the People our God and our former president expects us to be. We will seek justice, not vengeance. We will demonstrate mercy, not retribution. We will show what we are made of as Americans.

Today, we pray. Tomorrow, we seek justice.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!