Nope, it’s just straightening out a few messes. Unfortunately, political messes are seldom straightened out quietly. So while there is a lot of stuff exploding at the moment, it’s a relatively minor readjustment. Major readjustments involve world wars. I vote we skip that this go around. At present, no one is doing anything that involves the US showing up with our idea of overwhelming force. While quite a bit is going on, it’s not world war level. It’s mostly Keystone … Continue reading “Is the World Going Crazy?”
Biden Pardons Hunter: No One is Surprised
There was never any real chance that Joe Biden wasn’t going to pardon his son, nor any indication that the Justice Department wasn’t fully complicit in the judicial fraud. Let’s spend a few hundred grand or a million or more for all the proceedings just to time the trial so that Hunter Biden would have ample opportunity to plead guilty long before his father would leave the White House. Anyone believing this wasn’t contrived needs to go to my nonexistent … Continue reading “Biden Pardons Hunter: No One is Surprised”
Thank You, Veterans
There are no veterans remaining from the War to End All Wars. World War I didn’t end all wars but it did begin the tradition of remembering those who died on the field of battle defending their nations. In Europe, they call it Remembrance Day and display the red poppy, recalling the poet’s words In Flanders Fields. Those who died on the bloody fields of World War I have not been forgotten even though those who fought alongside them and … Continue reading “Thank You, Veterans”
Being gracious in victory is more important than being gracious in defeat. We’ll get back to that very important thought. In the meantime WOO HOO!!!! We won!!! Yippee! The cherry on top was how hysterically wrong the analyses based on the polls were! I am not sure which made me more nervous: that Trump might not win or that the stupid polls might actually be right. Broken clocks are right twice a day. They make you look stupid for a … Continue reading “VICTORY!”
Vote! Vote! VOTE!!!
In case that title is too subtle for you, get off your duff and go VOTE! I don’t want to hear the usual stupid excuses. My vote doesn’t count! Really? How do they know to count all those other votes and not yours? The only way to win is to have the most votes. That the other guy got votes too doesn’t negate the votes cast for the winner. Sure, the extra votes received are what puts the candidate over … Continue reading “Vote! Vote! VOTE!!!”
Looking at the Polls and Wishing I Weren’t
I considered just dumping the blog below this one because it is from last week and I didn’t get around to posting it on time but it shows my work and how I decide what to review when I’m looking at polls. Aggregators like Real Clear Politics are useful because they’ve already hunted down all the wild polls, but averaging is just dumb. I will ignore the average. There are so few good enough polls available right now that I … Continue reading “Looking at the Polls and Wishing I Weren’t”
Is Trump Going to Win Big?
My best assessment is that the race is his to lose. I think Trump would have to actively sabotage his own campaign to lose at this point. However, last I looked, I am not omniscient so I could, in fact, be wrong. Not that I’m going to let that stop me. If you wanted omniscient, you’d be praying to the Almighty, not reading my little blog, or watching a silly eagle in a BBQ apron while I ramble on. Now … Continue reading “Is Trump Going to Win Big?”
Can Harris Win?
Duh, of course she can. At this point her only hope appears to be that most of Trump’s supporters decide not to vote, but that would give her the victory. Any hope in a storm, I suppose. I realize the three of you that clicked on this are only here for the proverbial popcorn and because you wanted to yell at me in the comments, but the point is still important. People are naturally lazy. Civic duty loses out to … Continue reading “Can Harris Win?”
Harris IS Losing
The three of you who have followed me for more than a week will probably already know that I believed Harris was in fact behind despite what the polling seemed to indicate. Tune in Friday for the long version of why polls are so bad, but today I’m basing my new assessment on a different piece of evidence. I am now convinced that Harris is trailing much worse than we have been lead to believe. I’ve been couching my analysis … Continue reading “Harris IS Losing”
Twenty-One Days: The Final Furlong
What a race! Here they come, around the curve, heading for home! It’s too close to call! Turbo Trump seems to have his second wind but Hyped-Up Harris is pulling out all the stops! They’re neck and neck coming down the stretch. It’s going to be a photo finish! Eh, probably not. As exciting as having a close race makes things, the race is being called by a guy who left his glasses at home. Three weeks out there’s a … Continue reading “Twenty-One Days: The Final Furlong”