I forgot to mention this possibility in my last post. Yeah, it’s possible. Not probable at the moment and impossible to predict, but possible. If – very big if – it happened, what would it look like? Basically, there would be an internal fight for control of the party. It might start with a split between the Clinton and Obama camps with each trying to gain control of the party. Neither of those camps is particularly in favor with their … Continue reading “Can the Democrat Party Rebuild?”
The Democrat Party Is Dead
It officially died on Friday, March 14, 2025. Don’t look at me in that tone of voice! I didn’t kill it. The Democrats did that all by themselves. Yep, that’s a pretty specific date. Enjoy it. It’s extremely rare that an exact date gets applied to a political condition. So, why do I say it happened Friday? The Democrat leadership played themselves. The forced a situation where either they shutdown the government on Friday which would have cost them the … Continue reading “The Democrat Party Is Dead”
Putin’s Blunder
Bwahahahahahahaha! I swear, I thought about this possibility but would have had to edit a whole lot to include it in the earlier post and was way too lazy for that. Also, I’m slow enough as it is. But anyway, what a difference a day makes, huh? I did wonder if Putin was stupid enough to capitalize on the reduced intelligence that Ukraine was getting. Trump had made it crystal clear he wasn’t taking sides. The smart move was to … Continue reading “Putin’s Blunder”
Oval Office Meltdown – Much Ado About… Something?
So, that was fun, huh? I waited to do this blog because it’s almost never useful to analyze fast moving events. When events are going fast, it’s best to rely on real reporters (the few that still exist) and let events shake out if at all possible. That’s not to criticize commentators that weighed in earlier. I’ve found a lot of that commentary very useful. Special nods to Bill O’Reilly and William Spaniel (links provided below) for more measured and … Continue reading “Oval Office Meltdown – Much Ado About… Something?”
Will Trump Save the World?
No, of course not. Seriously, you have got to stop watching only action adventure movies. Well, sure, they’re the best but Man does not live by shoot ’em ups alone. Need some more fiber in that diet. No, you’re not going on a documentary diet. What kind of a fiend do you take me for? But we do need to round out your media diet so that you stop expecting that one hero will save the world. At least pay … Continue reading “Will Trump Save the World?”
Immigration: The Two Edged Sword
The issues around immigration to the United States are mired in hype, hoopla and plain old snake oil. Ninety percent of the time legal and illegal immigration are conflated as if they were the same thing. They aren’t. Yes, America is a nation of immigrants. The American continents are entire continents of immigrants, if anthropologists are to be believed. There are no native Americans because there’s no moral difference between 250 years and 20,000. We’re all immigrants. Except it’s total … Continue reading “Immigration: The Two Edged Sword”
America Doomed or Party System Shift?
The latter. You can quit panicking now. Have a nice day. What do you mean you don’t understand? You don’t know what a party system shift even is? What are they teaching in graduate level Poli Sci nowadays? Oh, right. Not everyone took those classes. Which is a condemnation of the edumacation system. Seriously, this happens fairly regularly in American politics. It’s a feature, not a bug. You’d think they’d mention this in History and American Government in middle school … Continue reading “America Doomed or Party System Shift?”
Here Come the Rats: Proof that Neither Elites nor Oligarchs Rule America
Oh, settle down. I didn’t say that those rich boys weren’t powerful. They are, but they just found out that they aren’t as powerful as they thought they were. How do I know? Simple, look at how many of those guys were at Trump’s inauguration. They were all card carrying Democrats on November 5th but now they’re scrambling to get in Trump’s good graces. Brown nosing is not the sign of either an oligarch or an Illuminati. It’s a bunch … Continue reading “Here Come the Rats: Proof that Neither Elites nor Oligarchs Rule America”
Good Morning, America! How Are Ya?
Hi, I’m back. Old and cranky just needed a vacation – and some extra vitamins. Didja miss me? Figures. Oh well. So, how are you liking the new Trump administration so far? Are you convinced Trump will fix everything or that Trump will destroy the world? Neither? EXCELLENT! Don’t get me wrong, I voted for Trump all three times. Okay, I admit I held my nose the first time but the next two were because I am convinced Trump is … Continue reading “Good Morning, America! How Are Ya?”
Is the World Going Crazy?
Nope, it’s just straightening out a few messes. Unfortunately, political messes are seldom straightened out quietly. So while there is a lot of stuff exploding at the moment, it’s a relatively minor readjustment. Major readjustments involve world wars. I vote we skip that this go around. At present, no one is doing anything that involves the US showing up with our idea of overwhelming force. While quite a bit is going on, it’s not world war level. It’s mostly Keystone … Continue reading “Is the World Going Crazy?”